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WholeHearted Women


Hi Sister!

I am so honored you want to join our WholeHearted Women's Circle. 

Now more than ever we need a container where women can consistently be supported, held, heard, seen. The membership provides you a space to deeply connect with other women and find a place where you will always be supported. 


The next cycle May 2022- 2023 will be focused around:


      She who HOLDS and She who is HELD 


So if you would like to stay for another round or join us for the first time here are the agreements:

  • We are here to HOLD and be HELD. For us to take up space, use our voice, get used to being seen, heard in a loving and compassionate circle. This way there is less hiding in the background and stepping more in your power. 

  • Showing up creates that interconnectedness, without us showing up there is no container, there is no holding or being held. There is a higher level of commitment to showing up for you and for your sisters. 

Here is what is included:


  • In-Person 8 High Holiday Temple of Remembrance Ceremonies Replays with Sarah Jenks.

  • Check-in circles in between temples. We will meet virtually or in-person to deepen with what has been brought to your awareness from temple and the areas that you are processing and working on to be witnessed, held, celebrated, supported, seen. 

  • A private facebook group with a community of like-minded wholehearted women and a container to feel held, heard, supported and loved through your journey!

  • You will also have access to our WhatsApp Group for continued support, holding and witnessing throughout the year.

  • Book club access. Monthly meetings, hopefully the majority of them in person.


I look forward to meeting more casually, now that we can, for our check-ins and for our book club. I am foreseeing sunset meetings, beach gatherings, trying local food and coffee shops! So it will be more experiential and bringing it to our daily lives =).  


I know that for me deep meaningful conversations is what nourishes my soul, I look forward to having deep meaningful conversations with you, to HOLD and be HELD. 


I cannot wait for an even more transformative year with more of our soul expression!​

I can't wait to have you join our circle of sisterhood!

Join our Circle    Today!

Choose Your Plan

  • Monthly Payment Plan

    Every month
    Valid for 12 months
  • Yearly membership

    Every year
Sacred Agreements
  1. Safe space. Where ALL are included, for everyone to feel welcomed, seen, loved. Not a space for judgment or separation.

  2. Confidential space. Whatever is shared in this circle stays in this circle.

  3. Space of witnessing and reflecting, not of advising/coaching unless asked. To witness one another without the need to give advice or fix anything but simply listen deeply, to know other women on a heart to heart level. After someone shares we simply say “I witness you sister” as a form of validation without fixing.

  4. Stay present and in your body (Empty Presence).  In circle we learn how to release the mind. We have been conditioned to only go to the mind. We will shift out of the mind into the present moment, without an agenda, without running dialogue.

  5. Speaking from the womb of silence: As we come into this empty presence we drop in out of the mind and allow our awareness to come from this deep well of wisdom that we have access to we speak from this place. To recognize when we get caught in our story, in the trappings of the mind, and be able to acknowledge that, and then bring ourselves back to the womb of silence to the deep well of wisdom.

  6. Speak from your own experience at the moment. Speaking using “I” when you refer to your experience. Sharing from the heart, in consideration of the whole group, as succinctly as possible.

  7. Self-Authority. Be responsible for your own experience.  Ask for what you need.

  8. Honor your YES. This is to the agreement that you have made to yourself that you have made to your soul, to your essence knowing that brought you here. To go the distance. the places where you are still tentative, and to continue to say yes.

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